ahhhhh...relaxing after loooooooooong sucky journey...
being emo with sabby's handbag..=ppp
errrrr....we love milo!!. tracy finished the whole big packet of milo!!!...=p
tracy's mouth was tortured!!...everyone trying to act cute...theo like poyo lah!
IM the loser...im always the loser laaaah...=(
all the joy on our face..=D and cute! (me and ding)..=D
me and ding being emo...its ok ding..i love you!!..=(((
i was blurrr!
Theo with steak, im with my empty cup, jia yao with his steak
everyone tyring to act cute by showing 1,2,3,4,5 and some even negativ 1,2,3,4,5 =pp haha! its called the 1,2,5 cute face we modify it to 1,2,3,4,5 =D sooo cute!!!..=pp HAHA!
YOYO!!!!!...went Camerons for DC Camp onnnnn uesday till Friday... was a great experience...very tiring..aint got much sleeeeep... till today...having fever now... tmr's skewl...gosh!!.. skewl suck!!...=ppp gonna TRY sleep early tonight..=p still got some homeworks to finish.. i hate hwss!!!.. cant enjoy hols.. whats the meaning of a holiday with a homework??!!..stuuupiddd!!..
had night games....hmmm its called "wizards of the throne"??..something like that..=ppp and our group won...its sth like a treasure hunt..but its fun with the wizards and orgs!...haha its bout teamwork and all...my group wasnt bad lah..was the group leader though..=p got 4th place overall..
band was great!!!...kick butt!! aha..=D
hmmm....food??...ahh not soo bad compare to the last time i came..=p
station games??...wow!! really need to understand eachh other! not everyone can do dat...our group kinda suck haha!..=p oh wells we tried our best.=D
hmmm....dats it??..i think..more info ask me lah... *headache!!!!*
here are some pics dat my friends took..=DD enjoyy.... * look up!!! *
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Last Sat was our skewl's cross country..=D i got 6th..and got me medal!!wooh0o0o!!!..aint plastic okaii...=pp hahah!!
and today, was the drama audi for our skewl performance.... guess wad, again, i kicked ass!! haha.wooh0o0o!!.. hope to get the main act...=D results?... hmm..cumin out when the form 6'ers cumin in.. which is around May?.. oh yes yes... las 2 weeks i led worship in CF and it kick butt!!! wakakak!!!. well u know me..=pp (prasan case) since then almost everyweek been leading... and this time with Jon not the f5 jon the smaller jon jon (my badge) which gonna be up thr for the 1st time singin..haha... hmmmm....too use to lead alone..wel even if i lead will be some 1 experienced... but this time a lil difff... got to work hard laa.. susah babe!!...
oh yess one important thingy!... my church celebrated Chap Goh Meh last Sunday.. was a blast yooo!!.. =D played the snare for the opening ceremony.. makan time was best.. i love eating the "babi" (pork) fuuh!!...superbb!!!... pics??...well...soon aite soon!!!...COMING SOON!!!...=D got to wait for yen shing laa..=D
Friday, March 02, 2007
FUUHHH!!!... im back peepss!. okok... a lil update.. the band?...ahhh!!.. was seriously pist yo...there's some unwanted big probs going on...today, all settled...relieved... drumset?...haha!! kao tim baby!...and we going down to rock and roll in 3 weeks time...cant wait... oh yes,exams?...ahhhh, finished!..yay!!.. ayo, there's no reason to be happy lah!... was hard!!...and got me CHemistry and english paper back today... goodness, wasn't expecting that kinda marks which is so low!.... and today I had Bio, and i didnt really study last night...went church for the snare practise for this coming Sunday as we're having CHAP GO MEI (izit spelled like dat?? hahah! dont know!).... and and gonna be FREE FOOD!!..wooh0o0o0!!.. oh yes yes...going back to the band, we've jammed the songs we planned to play.. but this year the exco aint really supportive as last year... JEREMY!! i miss you brotha!! hahah!!.. yes yes , he's the ex president...he's been supporting us very much!!... though, he aint in skewl no more...but he still gives us encouragement and all.. well, hopefully he'd come for the IU Day...its errr on theee 14th of April...
Soooo...how did i spend my CNY??.. well....nothing much... went some of my skewlmate's house and some church member's hse.. eat ALOT!!...i've gained 3kg!!!.. arghh!.. oh man..i got to lose it man... tomorrow there's cross country!! and its saturday!!!... oh maaaaaaaaaaaaannnn..... got to wake up early on a sat morning... sheeeshh......
oh yeah!!... reason for me dissapearing so long is cause, my pc got busted... for 2 weeks ++!!... man, glad to be back.. well, dispite the stupid internet connection still "cacat"... gonna screw streamyx la...aiyohhh....
so you guys and gals take good care of ya selfs... and have a wonderful chap go mei..heheh!!..=DD ciaodemao!!!...