kiss kiss 2 my baby...muakxxxx love ya sweety baby...muakxxxxx!!!!!!
Drum stik me patah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when playin on Sunday service.....still remember da song..its ONE WAY!!!!...hahahaha... :p
1.i can do soccer skills like Ronaldinho...well some lah.. hahaha.. :P:P... 2.i can run fast.. :p 3.i can "communicate with ahakzzz easily n get their number" waakakaka... :p 4.urmmm i can play da drum well... :p haha.. dun play play man... 5.i can drive a car...though got no lisence.... u wanna race ah?..cum lah... go capcom we race dytona.... ahahaha.... 6.i cannnnnnn......make stu jokes...haha... 7. i can maybe hentam ppl so bad...wakakaka.. wanna fight ah??..cum lah we go capcom play street fighter....wakakaka.. :P
1.get married..... 2.get 2 play drums like no 1 hav played b4.... :p a.k.a wanna be hebat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3.giv love 2 my BABY a.k.a wife (ahakzz) n kidzzz...hehehehe!!!!.... 4.wanna help others n country... 5.wanna do good 2 da soceity.... 6.wanna enjoy 2 da max!!!...wakakaka.. :P 7.wanna 4giv ppl 4 wut wrong things dat ive done.....sorry ah.. wakakaka.. :p
1. ppl scold me.... huhuhu.. ;P 2.ppl dun do wut they promised... hahaha... :p... only sometimes lah.. not always.. hehe.. 3.i dun like when i dun hav $$$ lahh.. hahaha... :p 4.i dun like 2 eat not nice food... wakakaka.... :p i rather dun eat.. 5.i dun like when i cant find my hp...sometimes hilang wan...hahaha...coz my table messy.. :p 6.i dun like when ppl back stab...i wanna say bad tings in front of me lah...chicken ah???.... 7. bahhh finaleh...i tak suka yg suka irritate aku...hahahahaha... :p relak lah.. :P
hahaha.... 1.My Handphone......yeah!! Computerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... 3.Musiccccc.. 4.Love 2 getek.... ahakzzzzzzz.. :p 5.My friendsss... couldnt live witout them man...haha.. u try n c lahh..:p 6.i love 2 go around..lepaking..wakakaka... :P 7. last but not leastt.....i love you baby....ahakzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ;-)
oh yeah dats wut i love bebeh!!!!!!!!!!!!! muahahaha.... =)
[Chorus] Baby I love you and i'll never let you go But if I have to boy I think that you should know All the love we make can never be erased And i promise you that you will never be replaced Baby I love you and I'll never let you go But if I have to boy I think that you should know All the love we make can never be erased And i promise you that you will never be replaced
I love you yes i do I'll be with you as long as you want me too Until the end of time From the day I met you I know we'd be together And now I know I wanna be with you forever I wanna marry you and i wanna have your kids You coul never compare to feeling of this kisses I can say i'm truly happy to the same You've made me think I'll die and live my life hesitate There's never been no doubt in my mind That i'll regret ever having you by my side But if the day comes that i'll have to let you go I think that something I should probadly let you know With everything day that i spent with you And i will miss you cuz i'm happy that i have you at all
[Repeat Chorus]
I feel for you yes i do I'll be with you as long as you want me to Until the end of time
Currently listenin 2 Mike Shinoda's new album....Fort Minor... wanna watch da videoclip????..... its uncer music, den click videos hahaha...cekap man!!!...cheak it out.... =)
Well, these few days hav been quite a boring kinda dayzz..haha...coz after exam n stuff... i was flashing back me sweet,stupid,nice, but yet memorable memoriezz... I was flashing back da yr when i was in primary St Anne... wahhh dat time was da greatest time eva lah.... i was da head prefects mann!!! yeahhhh...HEAD PREFECTZZ...muahahaha.....teacher choose me coz im "quite" a naughty boi dat time...:p so, i've dis reponsibility of takin care of ca skewl n stuff...but i didnt do me responsibility dat well lah....due 2 a gal skewl jus nx 2 my primary skewl...muahahaha!!!....sumore me malas....hehe... i still remember wehn my skewl got 1st in choral speakin among da skewls in Labuan..;p...muahaha... we went to Tanjung Malim,Perak...hahaha wuuu dat time i tell u me bes fwen Glenn,Daryl,Shanon....etc etc...rule da team man...even we rule da skewl muahaha... but we got 6th place lah...haha....but stll its a fun n exciting trip n we even meet sum gals i tell ya..wakakaka.. ;p hahahaha in da class u think whose da naughtiest?...of coz not me lah... :p nolah..its me got many cases :p... not da teruk wan lah.... normal normal kinda bully ppl...hehe..:p so,afte UPSR da time,me n gang play marble..i still remember where's our fav spot...haha...its near ca canteen where da secondary gals hav their lunch...wakakakaka....:p overall..its a nice n great xperience...haha...oh man..miss me bes mates man...Daryl,Jessie,Pariviny,Jasper....(DJDJP) hahaha.....oh always kacau 1 gal in me class...hahaha monitor assistant...hehe..still remember her name..Shareen Ahmad..muahahaha...haaihz now every1 of my mates move here n there dy.....den me always lepak with da Malay gang!!! yeahhh!!!...hahaha....when puasa dat eim..most of dem batal wan..haha...farney lah... hahaha da teacherzz?...haha they all know me style dy luh...hahaha....well i miss Cikgu Roselin,Richard,Rita...etc etc..hahaha....oh mannn...really miss primary 6....when got free period,me n gang go canteen n c galss n makan...haha... my class's upstairs sumore...haaa jus nx 2 gal skewl...wahhh...haha...miss da time when me always say 'Hi" 2 them ...hahah...when in class we always ejek each other wan..haha.... oh yeahh not only im flashing back da skewl times but also in church...wahhh...i was da leader 4 BB...haha..cekap lah... but i miss Christmas time..haaihzzz make me sedih only...every year me Uncle n Aunt open house 4 family n close frends...wahhh dat time...Theodore,Rastwin,Finnian..etc etc...lepakkk...hahaha...den Koko Ole n Koko Jon summore....wahhh...punya cekapp...haha...but now all me frends go 4 furthure studiezz dy....den e oso in eepoh dy...haaihzz...nvm lah...i'll celebrate Christmas here... =) *lookin 4ward 2 it though* ;)
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Dave Wickle "Evolution" (Vic Firth)
Buddy Rich Signature "One Of A Kind" (Vic Firth)
dis r da tools dat me use 2 praise da Lord..nyhehehe....
As 2day im enjoyin 2 da playin rugbi n soccer till i wanna die of tiredness...strengthless but yet fun n enjoyin da 3rd day of AFTERMATH....wakakakaka.... what happen in skewl 2day is dat me n Me bes fwen Wan Khalil got an offer to improve me soccer skills in BARNES SOCCER SKILLS ACADEMY which is in PERLIS...well as i went home i ask me bapak 2 think bout it lah...he said up 2 u..its ur future... after thinkin a while...i ended up not goin 2 dat Academy.... 1st of all i'll be stayin in a hostel which da rulez are tight man....beh tahan eh... 2ndly its Perlis man!!.. 3rdly soccer's not gonna b my future lah if its overseas, i'll think bout it 1st...hahaha 4thly i cant c galz...coz all oso boyss boring lah macam tuh...hehe... 5th>> me malas wanna wash clothezzz malas wanna wake up early n so on... 6th>>etc...etc...etc...etc....
but da bright side gonna get a cert from ENGLAND INTERNATIONAL SOCCER ACADEMY.....dats really kewl if like dat i can bcum da President 4 Malaysian Soccer Assiociation dy..wahahaha..but malas lah..dat 1 oso IF got chosen.... me dicided not to go lah...haizzz....i feel like 50% wana go n 50% dun wanna go...but wut da hack target is 2 be a doctor...wakakakaka.. :p.... i wanna study study study study study n study....yehehehehe......:p well i think ive did a wise choice..;)
Me luv me Sweety!!!..muakxxxx......muakxxx!!!!!!!!!!! Sweety so sweet.... me missy me sweety so much... me wan huggy u... sweety so sweet.... sweety so niceee..... missy u every,week,month,yr,decade,mellinium.. muakxx...
yeeeessshhhhhh!!!! as yesterday final exam's overrrrrrrr.....i was soooo sadd...wanna know y?...haaihzz i kinda miss exam lahh...haha...dono y lah...i wanna take exam again!!!..:p haaiizzzz..... well well.....during exam period i was underpressured until i blew 2 xpariment off...i was like so frustrated...coz its da final man...ishhh...summore nx yr i'll be takin PMR..i cant afford 2 make any mistakes... jus one simple silly careless mistake n da whole xpariment jus just...just....haaihzzzz.... as i was fightin 2 get good markz n gradez, i suddenly tought of all this....wat am i thinkin,i should think at da bright side lah...if i would 2 giv up jus like dat..finish lah...hahaha... well...ive got bad news lah...dis yr i cant balik kampung...ishhh...wat lah..i was like wat!!...ishhh every1 wants me 2 balik... my parentz reason was no family goin back but me stay here ni lah...apa nih...ishhh....malas eh..wat kinda reason no $$...really wanna celebrate christmas there oso canot..sumore las yr i celebrated hristmas here den dis yr pulak back da old times lah...ishhhh......