Tuesday, April 07, 2009

WUUHHH! its been a freaking while since ive typed (:
ahh nothing much been happening lately just that ive been recording with my other malay band "Penyeri Malam" haha lol the name sounds gay but yeahh we play hardcore emo rockish? LOL. i dont really know how to label ourselves but Crossroads is doing freaking awesome, we performed with Sam one of the song is in my blog the one after Coldplay (:
I guess Crossroads might take a break for a while until the Philipines tour, been saving up like mad as well as working my ass off to save the flight $$$ =p
Well, i havent been hanging out much as i did sighh what a life, work/teaach/perform/recording/sleep/eat/travel. havent been getting much sleep lately and im being PMS-ing and cranky most of the time and i tend to make stoopid ass joke HAHA!
im lacking of clothes and wtv dress LOL im so gonna go shopping after i get my salary XD
Situation at home is giving me.....dont know how to put it in words but its killing me, silent war between me and my dad has alreay reached its bloody limits . havent been talking to him for 4 years already and everytime grudge is holding back whenever he's around trying to tahan him. gosh, what devil is in the house HAhA.
oh wells, SU XIAN is baaccckkkk lol.
she introduced me o this new drama series called "Skins" and its addictive, been watching the whole season 1 and finishing season 2 in....13 days! HAHA gosh addictt addicttteed XD

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