Thursday, January 10, 2008

IM FATTT!!!!!!!!!

okay-okay, this is unusual from a guy but what the heck, im fatt lahh!!!!!!!!!

my goal this year, to be the Sportsmen for 2008 in school cause last year i missed out 2 points to get the title. I got 4th for 200m running and i was like 1inch to be 3rd andget that 2 points for bronze medal..sighhh..

I went back to Labuan and they feed me like anything, as if i haven't been eaing for like 1000000 billion zillion million to keep my body sexy. =(

sighh..been lazying around like a pig at home skippin training and eat chocolates like anythin and sleeping more than im suppose to.hahaha.this has to change!!!... dieetttt dieeetttt!!! burn fatt burn fattt! *WOOOOOSSSHHH*

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